Wednesday, October 17, 2007



1/2 hoagie--9 pts
chips--4 pts
Total--13 pts

Then my sister called and asked Kyle and I to go to her new house with them and help her DH unload the U-haul. So, we did..and they took us to dinner at Wendy's...and instead of trying to stay on my diet...I ate whatever I wanted. *roll-eyes*

Spicy Chicken sandwich--11.5 pts
fries--7 pts
Total--18.5 pts

Then we stopped at the gas station and I was really really regretting that I didn't get the frosty that I REALLY wanted with all my heart and soul. So I got a snack to try and fill the "void".

Hot Chocolate--7 pts
M&M cookie--5 pts
Total--12 pts

See..this is why sometimes you should just give in to a craving. I would have gotten a small frosty and it would have been 7.5 pts...saving me 5. Of course if I would have just had the hot would have been a wash...but NOOOOO I had to eat the cookie!

Daily Total--43.5 pts (12.5 flex pts used) Hmm..I would have been just fine if I had not eaten my "snack". My thinking is SO screwed up sometimes. I was like. "well...I'm over my points now...I might as well eat something sweet" So stupid. *sigh*

1 comment:

Cindy said...

I'm totally the same way, and it's so dumb. least now we're accountable, and not eating this way every single day anymore! So, progress!