Saturday, October 13, 2007

Cheat Day eats - Cindy

3 donuts

Protein snack, lol:
string cheese
2 pc. salami

Lunch (Cracker Barrel)
biscuit w/butter
Bacon Cheeseburger. I didn't eat much of the bun.

single scoop of B & J Caramel Ice Cream (delish!)

One last donut

2 pc. H'ween candy.

(OMG I'm a cow. That is so much junky snackfood! How embarrassing!)

1 comment:

Tricia said...

I don't think it sounds "cow-ish" at all! LOL you had 1 scoop of ice cream and 2 pcs of candy...I think that shows GREAT constraint! I always think your cheat days sound much less "cheaty" than mine!