Monday, October 1, 2007

Monday Monday

I took the weekend off from journaling since I knew my partner was not here to read it....and I am lazy.

I weighed on Friday again since we were going out to dinner that night. I was down 1/2 pound. I don't really "count" the point losses..I just go by the whole in Tricia World, I stayed the same. I'm ok with that considering the monday night chinese food and 2 glasses of wine I had...and I didn;t exercise ONE time..and I was sick. this week will be better..I'm sure of it!

3 soft boiled eggs
Total--7 pts

Pudding--1 pt

2 FF hot dogs
2 slices light bread
1/2 slice cheese
FF pringles
Total--- 4.5 pts

Grilled chix sandwich--7.5
baked potato--5.5
side salad w/ff ranch--3
Total--16 pts

1 comment:

Cindy said...

You GO girl! You are doing SO well!