Thursday, October 25, 2007

Am I doing OK???

I suck. S U C K. SUCK!

Kyle has been home from work the last 3 days with a horrible cold and a major rash all over his body. Guess what?!? It's fun to eat during the day with a sick husband! I drop the kids at school and run through the drive through to pick us up breakfast. Yesterday (the one day I didn't bring home b-fast) we were at the dr and then the pharmacy...and we were we ran through the drive through for lunch.Last night, the kids wanted KFC for dinner--sounded good to we had that. Monday night, we had no more take out. Today..I was out running around with mom and we stopped for lunch. It's been days and days and days of fast food and restaurant food.

This weekend, Chelsea is coming in town from TX ...I am meeting them for lunch at Bravo on Friday afternoon. Saturday, we are having a party to celebrate Tony's b-day (oct 25), her b-day (Nov 1) and my b-day (Nov 3)--so there will be Pizza and cake then.

If I would get off my ass and exercise--I would feel less bad about my un-healthy eating.I just can't seem to get (back) in the right frame of mind.

Kyle goes back to work tomorrow...and we have groceries. I think tomorrow will be a good day. I'll try really hard to keep within my points...even with the special stuff this weekend.


1 comment:

Cindy said...

LOL, I thought this is where you intended it! Hahahaha!

Hang in there, tootsie! You're still doing awesome!