Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Still at it, Wednesday!

So far, so good! I think that part of the reason I was having trouble "committing" again was that I was pissed about my weight. After my birthday festivities, the scale was showing that I was up FIVE pounds. And the next week, I was still up FOUR pounds. PISSER! Needless to say, it really wasn't making me feel like eating right. (I know that makes NO sense, but in my dumb head, it was reasonable, lol!)

Anyway...I finally just listened to you, T...and started doing the right things again. As of this morning, I'm only up .4 lbs from my 198. So, phew! I can be so dense sometimes!

Granola bar 2 pts.

LC Chicken Club 7 pts.

4 Thin Mints 3 pts.

1 c. tortellini 4 pts.
1 tbsp. marg. 1 pt.

Oatmeal to go: 3 pts.

Points so far: 20 pts.

1 comment:

Tricia said...

I TOLD YOU to ignore that 5 pounds..that it was water weight if anything and you would be fine. You're as bad as my mother who weighs daily and if she is up 2 lbs from yesterday thinks the world is falling apart. ;-) I'm glad you are still at it today and your faith has been renewed. I bet you are down to at least 196 by Saturday.