Tuesday, October 9, 2007

In so much pain, Tuesday - C

I am having some pretty major girlie troubles today, and I am hurting so bad. Literally, my belly is sore to the touch, and I feel like things that are supposed to be walnut-sized must be about softball-sized right now. I'm feeling absolutely certain that I've made the right choice about surgery next month. I can't do THIS any more.

I had an Oatmeal to Go for b'fast.

I had 6 chicken nuggets and 1/2 a small fries for lunch.

Handful of Bugles for snack

1/2 a deviled ham sandwich and baby carrots for dinner.

I'm going back to my heating pad and bed.

Sorry I couldn't count up the points today...I think I did ok though.

1 comment:

Tricia said...

Oh no!! I am so sorry! I didn't know you were having surgery next month??? Take care of yourself!! (((HUG)))