Thursday, October 4, 2007

Thinking Thin, Thursday

Tonight..I AM going back to my exercise class. I was taking Zumba and water aerobics and I have gone to ONE of each. UGH. so tonight...I am going. Kyle has to work until 6 so I made arrangements with my dad to watch the boys until he gets home. It's so silly that I paid the $$ to go and then don't you know? I don't know if I will continue with Zumba or not..I'll see...

I watched the Biggest Loser last night...I record it and then mom and I watch it together. Watching that always gets me in a losing weight kind of mood. LOL

granola bar--3 pts
Total--3 pts

chick-fil-a sandwich--9.5 pts
waffle fries--5.5 pts
ice cream--3 pts
mayo--1.5 pts
Total--19.5 pts

chicken noodle soup--3 pts
FF hot dog--1 pt
lite bread--.5 pt
Total--4.5 pts

Daily total--27 pts

1 comment:

Cindy said...

I love The Biggest Loser! Seriously, I think it's my favorite show. And the theme song is SO good. You know I'd been struggling lately, and Tuesday was the first day I was "back on the wagon."

We sat down to watch it Tuesday night, and the song started "What have you done today to make you feel proud?" And I literally yelled "I didn't eat anything wrong ALL day!!!" LOL!!!

Go to your class, silly!