Monday, October 8, 2007

Gah...Monday, too! LOL

So, P had a medical test today, and I had to make three round trips to the hospital between 8 and 4. I woke up seriously feeling like I was going to puke, and then later had Big D. Turns out my period had shown up.

Suffice it to say, I ate what sounded good today, and none of it so far has been healthy.

2 pc. pizza (Pepperoni/Pizza Hut)

Cinnamon Raisin bagel (toasted) w/marg.

I had some Cape Cod chips this afternoon, and a handful of Bugles w/Shannon.

I do SO badly on the weekends...I'm actually considering just doing a cheat MEAL (not day) next weekend, because I seem to always lose my footing.

1 comment:

Tricia said...

What were P's tests??

It's hard to stay on track when you are running all day. I don't think you're eating sounds all that horrid though. you ate a handful of bugles--instead of the whole bag?!? That's saying something!! LOL