Sunday, October 14, 2007

Sunday eats - Cindy

I haven't eaten much today...still not feeling that good.

Lean Pocket (bacon, egg, cheese) 3 pts.

Tortilla chips 3 pts.

1 c. spaghetti w/ 1/2 c. meat sauce 9 pts.
bread 2 pts.
marg. 2 pts.

Total: 19 pts.

We got "ghosted" tonight, and I ate 1/2 a RitterSport bar (just looked it up...5 pts.), and one little pack of Now N Laters.

Points used: 24 pts.

(Should I count any points for the Now N Laters? I think there are 4 in the pack....)

1 comment:

Tricia said...

In 7 now n Later's there are 110 cal and no fat. So for 4 is that even a point?