Thursday, October 4, 2007

Thursday Food - C

Doing fine today...

I even did something REALLY good, and I'm proud. A student brought me a belated birthday card and gift today. The gift? 5 Godiva Chocolate truffles (each wrapped in orange foil to look like a pumpkin, and then in a cute little Godiva box). Guess what I did? I gave it to my secret pal! I gave away chocolate! Go, me!

Banana 2 pts.
Granola bar 2 pts.
Total: 4 pts.

Subway RB Sandwich 6 pts.
Light Doritos 3 pts.
Total 9 pts.

4 Thin Mints 3 pts.

1 c. leftover tortellini 4 pts.
1 tbsp marg. 1 pt.
Total: 5 pts.

Smart Start bar 3 pts.

Daily total: 24 pts.

1 comment:

Tricia said...

you ROCK!! (I wish you had sent it to me!)