Monday, October 1, 2007

Kick my ass!


God, I've lost my focus, and I want it back! Tricia, please either kick my ass, or say something motivational, or something! LOL!

Every day, I say " we go!" And every day, I fuck up. HELP!!!

I'm still here, and I'm still going to do this...but I need a good swift kick!

(You, by the way...are doing awesome! I'm proud of you!)

1 comment:

Tricia said...

ROFL. I actually came here to see if you posted and while the page was loading I was thinking..."if she hasn;t posted anything I am going to start a post titled, "It's ass-kicking time!" LOL and there you were...kicking your own ass!! Imagine my surprise!!

Cindy--seriously..I can't do this without you. It took every ounce of "whatever" to not blow my eating yesterday because I knew you had been camping all weekend and weren't counting points. And then, when you didn't post all day..I almost blew my points at Wendy's. I don't know where in the hell I pulled the will power from though!!

I need you girl!! If I know you are "slacking" it gives that little voice in my head something to badger me with. Not to make you feel guilty or anything. *wink*

Just hang in there with a couple weeks you will be glad you did and in a couple months you will be SO glad you did and in a few months you will be REALLY REALLY glad you did!