Friday, September 7, 2007

Frustrated too!

I'm not giving up, because dammit! I want to be thin. I want to wear cute clothes! I want to not be embarrassed by my body!

But this sucks. I have not cheated one time this week. I have not gone over my points. I have drunk my water EVERY day.

And as of this morning, I was up two pounds. Fucker.

That said, my period is like...a week late, and I have no idea why. I'm like 99.99999% sure I'm not pregnant, I'm just all bloaty and fat feeling, and the weight is just NOT moving.

Can my period please just come, so all this extra water weight will "whoosh" away?

We actually ordered a pizza tonight, because I'm in a foul mood (about other stuff) and I'm not down any weight anyway. Bah.

Anyway, here's what I've eaten today:

Muffin bar 2 pts.

6 Nuggets: 7 pts.

Chips: 3 pts.

2 pieces pizza: 20 pts. (gasp)

Dessert: (I'm screwed now!)
Homemade pull-apart bread...I have NO clue.

Total so far: 32 pts, BEFORE the pull-apart bread.

1 comment:

Tricia said...

ergh! at least you can blame yours on water weight. mine is just because my body is stupid. I don't even know when my period is due--mine could be that too I guess. *sigh*

I have had a stressful day--even had an anxiety attack this morning. so, I'm REALLY looking forward to my cheat meal tomorrow night. LOL

Good for you for hanging in. I just don't get why this has to be so hard. stupid weight.