Saturday, September 8, 2007

Uh...checking in. Saturday

Well, I didn't plan to, but I took a cheat day today. I'll still be accountable and tell ya what I had, but oh my.

My period started. I think I had a major craving day or something, lol!

2 pieces of pizza: 20 pts. (yes really, I looked it up)

(Trying to redeem myself)
Triscuits 2pts.
Cottage cheese 2 pts.

(To hell with it)
2 pieces of bread 4? pts.
Am. cheese 2 pts.
Hamburger patty...not sure
Plate of tater tots...not sure (lots!)

Soooo, yeah. I guess I took the day off. Back on track tomorrow.

1 comment:

Tricia said...

good for you!! Taking a day off is good for you....ESPECIALLY when AF drops in for a visit!!