Thursday, September 6, 2007

Thursday Food

The scale is not moving this week. I don't know if it's because I'm not exercising enough, or if it's because my period is due ANY second (actually it's late), or if I'm eating too much dairy, and not enough veggies? I dunno...but it's kind of a pisser, lol!

Muffin bar 2 pts.

HUGE lunch:
Salad 6 pts.
dressing 6 pts, but yummmmmm
grilled chicken 4 pts.

Triscuits 2 pts.
string cheese 2 pts.

Skinny cow: 2 pts.
pineapple 2 pts.

Daily total: 26 pts.

1 comment:

Tricia said...

ugh!! I have no desire to talk about the scale. it's making me want to throw it through the window. stupid scale.