Sunday, September 9, 2007

Back at it Sunday

Proud of right back on track today. AND we have no groceries and my head hurts and I am lazy and I'm not going. SO..I'm really proud that I am hanging in with very few eating options! LOL

2 pudding cups--2 pts
Total--2 pts

tortilla chips--3 pts
"queso" dip--3 pts
Coke Zero
Total--6 pts

Pudding Pop--2 pts

Taco Bell--21 pts (!!!!) total accident...I wasn't thinking and ordered the wrong thing..when I looked up the points I about had heart failure. At least I stayed within my points for the day.

Total--31 pts

1 comment:

Cindy said...

I'm proud of you for jumping right back into the game! Good job!