Sunday, September 2, 2007

Mmm Donuts (Sunday Food)

So, I'm still not feeling very well.... And then, Patrick woke me up saying he'd gone and gotten donuts. LOL! I had two. I don't exactly know the points of them, but I know that Krispy Kreme donuts are 5 pts. each. I'll count these as 6 each because they were a bit denser than KK's.

2 donuts: 12 points.

6 triscuits 2 pts.

9 triscuits: 3 pts.
1 oz. colby cheese 3 pts.
Total: 6 pts.

granola bar 2 pts.
drinkable yogurt 4 pts.
Total: 6 pts.

Total: 26 pts.

I know these food choices are weird, but I'm still not feeling good, and really don't feel like cooking or eating much at all. I'm still drinking my water though.

Edit: OK, I figured that since I had donuts earlier, I might as well eat my junkfood for the week, and have some ice cream too, lol! I didn't figure out how much I had, or how many points it was. Probably a lot. 3 scoops...but it was good!

1 comment:

Tricia said...