Monday, September 24, 2007

Awful Day Monday

I don't want to go into detail about what made my day so awful....just know that it had to do with an appointment and a RUDE RUDE awful mean woman! I was so nervous and upset when it was over that my eye was twitching! I came home and bitched to my mom and Kyle and cried and then went and got chinese take out and a bottle of wine. The food was delicious and the wine relaxed me..and I am feeling better now. However my diet went to hell...but oh well. I really needed a little food therapy...and yes! I know that is what has gotten me to my overweight self..but DOES help! LOL

Before the "therapy" points total was 12.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Awwwww, I'm SO sorry!!! What happened???

(Turn on AIM sometime, will ya? lol)