Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Food on Wednesday - Cindy

First of all...Zaxby's...YUM! They have THE BEST chicken fingers in the world. Patrick and Shannon love the "Zax Sauce" for dipping too, but I think it's kinda yucky. It's like ranch with a little hot sauce in it. Anyway, I just get ranch for dipping. Patrick says their wings are good, too. But what I love are their salads! They are bomb-diggity! I get the "House Salad, grilled, with bleu cheese." It's huge, and delicious. It comes with texas toast...but I'm not eating that any more, because it adds even MORE points...and at 16's plenty, lol! But yeah...go try it! We love Zaxby's!

OK, so my eating's been good today....

Smart Start bar 3 pts.

2 bread, 2 pts.
2 ff bologna 1 pt.
mustard, 0 pts.
1 am. cheese. 2 pts.
1 svg. Pirate's Booty 3 pts.
Total 8 pts.

Mint skinny cow 2 pts.

1 c. Chili Mac Hamburger Helper 7 pts.

Oatmeal to go (heated! yum!) 4 pts.

Total: 24 pts.

I stepped on the scale this morning too, and mine's going the right way too. I'm back at 203 again, which is good I guess...but I kind of feel like a lost a week last week when I was so pms'y. Oh well! At least I'm headed in the right direction now!

1 comment:

Tricia said...

yes I feel the same way about losing a week too. oh..and guess what I started my period I guess some of my bleckiness was PMS crap too! go figure!