Monday, September 17, 2007

Monday Monday

I got on the scale this morning..and guess what I saw??? 290.5!! Nice way to start a monday!! :) My zumba class starts tonight!! SO excited!

2 soft boiled eggs--4 pts
1 pc light bread--.5 pt
1 TBS CBINB light --1 pt
Total--5.5 pts

Snack--skinny cow--2 pts

another snack--mcdonalds cone--3.5 pts

Turkey sandwich--3 pts

Taco--4 pts
bean burrito--6 pts
chicken soft tac0--2.5 pts
Total--12.5 pts

2 pudding cups--2 pts

Daily Total
28.5 pts


Cindy said...

You had a tablespoon of WHAT? lol!!!

Yay for scale movement! How thrilling! Mine's not moving yet this week.

Tricia said...

LOL Can't Believe It's Not Butter Light. ROFL

Cindy said...

Doh! Can't imagine why I couldn't figure that out, lol!!!