Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Back to Work Tuesday Food

I have a stupid headache this morning and I feel awful because of all the food I have eaten this weekend! I got on the scale this morning and had number shock....I don't even want to talk about it! ARGH!

oatmeal--3 pts
pudding--1 pt
water--0 pt
Total--4 pts

2 Tortillas--4 pts
1/2 c FF cheese--2 pts
sour cream & salsa--1 pt
Coke Zero--0 pts
Total--7 pts

pudding pop--2 pts

Taco--4 pts
bean burrito--6.5 pts
tostada--4.5 pts
Total---15 pts

pudding pop--2 pts

Daily total--30 pts

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Aw, man! That sucks! Don't beat yourself up...just start doing the right thing again. I'm a little in the same boat, myself....

Just "start over" and keep drinking your water!