Sunday, September 23, 2007

Back on track! Sunday - C

I had a great day yesterday. OK, let's be honest...I had a great day Friday too, lol! It's not so much what I ate, but what didn't I eat? LOL!

Friday night, after all that eating at preschool and being taken out to lunch by friends, I had a big brownie (the ones that were a gift), and then we went to Red Lobster for dinner.

Yesterday, P and S made cinnamon rolls for breakfast. As part of my gifts from family members, I got stuff that I love from California...Mother's cookies and See's candy. So, I had some of each of those. For "lunch" I had two leftover cheddar biscuits from Red Lobster. During the afternoon we had BIRTHDAY CAKE! Yum! Then, I realized I'd basically no protein, so I had some cheese (and french bread). (I's no wonder I'm cravings are always carbs and cheese.) So then! We dropped Shan off at her sleepover, and went to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner. We'd never been there, and it was DELISH. We had salad, and bread, and then I had fish & chips for dinner. We shared a piece of Lemon Raspberry cheese cake for dessert. After we got home and settled in bed, we each had one last piece of b-day cake. OMG...typing all that out is pretty awful, lol...but it was a lot of fun. We had a really nice day.

So this morning I get up and weigh...and uh...the scale said 203. That's FIVE pounds up. Yikes! I'm not going to sweat it, because dammit, it was my birthday! But I definitely have my work cut out for me this week!

granola bar 2 pts.

Um...Houston, we have a problem, lol! I had another cheat day. I didn't plan to, and I know that's a bad thing. A lot of things didn't go the way I thought they would today, lol!

We went to WalMart this afternoon to buy food for Tiki and Azure, and ended up at a car lot and bought a Jeep Commander. (LONG story.) Anyway...we had to take it out for a celebratory drive, and ate lunch/dinner out. Then we had cake when we got home, etc.

I promise...I am ON THE WAGON tomorrow!!!

1 comment:

Tricia said...

sounds like an awesome day!! And 5 pounds?? no way..a lot of that is water. Just drink a TON this week. I'm so glad you enjoyed yourself!! :)