Thursday, September 13, 2007

Thursday Food - C

Losing some weight is inspiring me to start taking care of myself again. This whole year, I've been totally dedicated to taking care of P, and of course, Shannon. I caught a good look of myself in the mirror the other day, and it wasn't good.

I went today and got my brows done, and an actual, real-deal haircut. Like, with an appointment and everything! I love my hair! Yay!

I'm so happy to already be losing some weight...and can't wait to be able to see some differences.

Smart Start bar 3 pts.

Cupcake (darn that preschool!) 6 pts.

Lean Cuisine Panini Sandwich 7 pts.
Pirate Booty 1.5 pts.

Total points: 17.5 pts.

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