Monday, September 3, 2007

Labor Day

UGH..this weekend has just been a bad one in the way of food and dieting. Today we are going to a cookout and I already know I am going to eat what I dessert. LOL I haven't weighed yet because I'm scared. I know it's going to show more than my 295.5 it showed on Saturday. I can't decide if I should weigh today and just deal with whatever it shows. OR take Saturdays weight and make that my weigh in for the week...really..I'd rather have a saturday weigh in date anyway.... that way I could make Saturday night my "cheat meal" night.



Cindy said...

That's fine with me, if you want to use your Saturday morning weigh-in amount. I was kind of thinking (and P agreed) that Monday was kind of a dumb day to do weigh-ins, since most "family fun" things happen over the weekend.

Do we want to change our weigh-in day permanently to Saturday morning? That works for me.

Tricia said...

Yes, let's do that. Monday is an awful day for weigh-ins. LOL

So saturday it is. Better get my rear in gear if I want to see a loss THIS saturday!!!!