Friday, September 21, 2007

Day Before Birthday Friday

Um...I'm going to use today's weight as my weigh-in, because people are being SO sweet to me, and treating me to lunch, and bringing me birthday cakes, etc....and it's SO not good for my diet, lol! Birthdays only come once a year, and I refuse to "be good" on my diet and not enjoy my birthday, or ruin my friends' surprises!

Smart Start bar 3 pts.

Surprise at work:
Cupcake (again! lol) 6 pts.
Fruit Salad 2 pts.

Surprise Lunch!
Mexican ???? pts.

Suprise! Brownies brought to preschool
??? pts.

Dinner (Red Lobster):
Ultimate Fondue appetizer
Salad w/Bleu cheese dressing
1 cheddar biscuit
Linguini Alfredo with shrimp

Skinny cow....real cake tomorrow, lol!

As you can see, people dropped in on me at work all day today, and just kept showering me with cards and sweet gifts. There is no way I was going to turn them down, or deprive myself of my birthday treats. I say you only live once, and it's the REST of the time that matters diet-wise. It's not celebrating birthdays that makes you fat!

So! I weighed in at 198 yesterday morning. Weekly loss: 1 lb. Total lost: 12 lbs.

I'm planning to have a cheat day tomorrow. Back on the wagon Sunday!

1 comment:

Tricia said...

I'm so glad so many people were so good to you--and that they all love my cinderella!!

Congrats on another pound lost!!