Saturday, September 15, 2007

Week 4 weigh in

I'm annoyed.. my scale showed 294 my moms showed 293. I really WANT to use the 293..but that doesn't really make sense, huh? so..I'll take the 294 and say I am down 3 pounds for a total of 10 pounds lost!

Can I just say, that I am annoyed (again HA!) That you have lost 11 pounds in 3 weeks and I've lost 10 in I weigh 100 pounds MORE than you...I should be losing just a tinge faster than you and it's really tanning my hide! *cough* bitch *cough* ;) ;)

However..I can't believe what a difference losing 10 pounds has made in how I feel. Can't wait to see what 10 more feels like!!

1 comment:

Cindy said...

I've lost 11 in four weeks, ya goof! I lost 1 lb. my first week, 6 my second week, I gained 2 my third week, and lost 6 my fourth week.

I'm pretty confident that I won't have any more "big" weeks, and for the reasons you probably will. I'll probably clip along at 1-3 lbs. per week now that my first big water loss is over.

I'm so proud of you, Tricia! You've lost 10 pounds!!! Woohoo!!!!