Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Tuesday Food - C

I did it again. I slept later than usual (on purpose...not late for work or anything) so my first meal wasn't until 7:45 again. I need to stop doing that, lol.

string cheese
graham crackers
granola bar
1/2 grilled cheese sandwich & a pickle
mandarin oranges
1/2 english muffin w/strawberry cream cheese
celery and peanut butter (OMG...so yummy!)
100 cal pk. Oreos
3 oz. chicken breast

We're going grocery shopping this afternoon, so I'll have some new foods again. Yay!

Oh! I want to mention that Patrick is starting the 6WD diet today. He's doing 220 calories every 90 minutes. I'll keep you posted how he's doing, and then we can be mad at him when he drops all his weight in NO time...just like a man, lol!


Tricia said...

ahhh..but that sleep is SO nice isn't it?? LOL

Yay for grocery shopping! I get so excited when there are lots of things to choose from in the house.

Tricia said...

WTG, P!!

I am SO kicking his ass when he loses weight faster than me.

Kyle gained 10 lbs over the holidays. he's already lost it. just by going to work every day and not eating as much. woo. not fair!

Cindy said...

I know. Boys suck! LOL!