Thursday, January 10, 2008

5 out of 7

Patrick said it's not a good idea to exercise all 7 days, because your muscles need a chance to repair and regenerate after each work-out. I guess I'm OK with that, although I could probably have taken a walk or whatever and not killed myself. But! I also don't want to burn myself out before I even get started.

So, today...I'm just doing some stretching/yoga-type exercises to keep my muscles loose-ish. They are sore and tight from my Biggest Loser DVD still!

I ate well today...

Granola bar for breakfast

1/2 (but it was big) roast beef/cheese sandwich


I went healthy food shopping, and I'm really proud. You know how they say if you want to avoid junk food, extra processing, shop around the "outside" of the store? That's exactly what I did. I got mostly fruits, vegetables, meats, and GOOD bread.

Shannon's having a sleepover tomorrow night, so I did get pizza to have for dinner. I got some ice cream bars (think Eskimo Pie) but they are fat free, and no sugar added. And then I got some Eggo waffles for them to have for dinner. I tried to get things that once the sleepover is done, that we won't have food left in the house. Everything else I bought is natural and good for us! Yay!

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