Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Tricia's Tuesday Food

Cereal w/milk--4 points
Total--4 points

cookies--2 pts
pudding--1 pt
Total--3 pts

2 turkey, ham & cheese sandwiches--7 pts
Coke Zero--0 pts
Total--7 pts

Turkey Burger with mushrooms, onions & swiss--7 pts
oven fries--3 pts
ranch dip--1 pt
Total--11 pts


skinny cow--2 pts

Daily total--27 pts

Today has really been a struggle so far. I really really want to eat and eat and eat-thus the 2 snacks between breakfast and lunch. LOL Mom went with me to get the kids from school..we stopped at McD's for them and Taco Bell for her. I actually refrained from getting anything at either place and came home and made my sandwiches! go me! I did munch on a couple fries though. ;)

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Are you PMS'ing? I am always ravenously hungry during PMS week.

Also, make sure you drink enough water...that helps to fill you up.

At any rate...I'm SO proud of you for being at the fast food place and NOT getting anything for yourself! Impressive!