Saturday, August 25, 2007

Re-thinking things

This may not make a lot of sense. Then again...who knows? Maybe it will.

I have been on WW more times than I care to recount. I'm probably up to about 5 or 6 times by now. I love the way it works, and I believe it truly is an excellent and healthy program. The problem is, I really don't want to spend the rest of my life counting points. So, I had this revelation that I do know how to live a healthy lifestyle, and I know how to eat right. It would seem that if I put those two plans into play that I don't HAVE to be on WW and count points...but that I could still lose weight "doing it myself."

Doesn't that sound easy? Yeah. It does. And it also sounds like a pipe-dream at this point! If it was easy, there'd be a lot more skinny people around, I think. I'm finding that it's really fricking hard, and that my willpower is almost non-existant.

Maybe I *do* need to count least for awhile, until I get my appetite and cravings under control. About the only thing I've managed to do well (diet/food related) this week is drinking my water every day.

My eating is not good even though I "know" what to do. I'm not exercising, and I'm not losing any weight. It's only been about a week, so I'm not saying I'm a failure or anything...but I'm definitely re-thinking my whole "I can do this myself! Go me!" attitude.

I'm a little down about it, but also realistic that I'm human and not perfect. I just really want to get a handle on this.

1 comment:

Tricia said...

I totally understand. I think that "doing it alone" is easier said than done. I think that the counting...more than being a "crutch" is something that just makes us more aware of what we are putting into our mouths. And for's like it makes the decision to eat better...more real or something.
Good luck in whatever you decide. I'm behind you no matter what!! XOXOX