Monday, August 20, 2007

Day 1 food and points

I woke up with a migraine around 5:30. I ate about 6 wheat thins and took a migraine pill. I have been nauseous ever since. Not a fun way to start day 1! I am going to go get some breakfast now..I'll be updating this post with my food and points count through out the day. I am allowed 32 points a day.

6 wheat thins--1 pt
2 rice cakes--1pt
1 TBS p-nut butter--2 pt
sprinkling of raisins--1 pt
16 oz water--0 pt

Total--5 pts

2 Tuna sandwiches-- 8 pts
Coke Zero--0 pts (go figure!)

Total--8 pts

21 pretzel twists--2 pts

Total--2 pts

Chicken Philly Cheese steak --11 pts
Oven "fries"--2 pts
24 oz water--o pts

Total--13 pts

Skinny cow ice cream sandwich--2pts

Total--2 pts

Total Points--30

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Great job, Tricia! You stayed in your points even when you weren't feeling well. I'm proud of you!!!