Saturday, August 25, 2007


what is it about dieting and weekends that make life so hard? My kids wanna watch a movie and eat pizza--family fun night, you know? So..the pizza is on the way. Guess who is eating some? Me! I am! I am going to exercise in the morning...that'll help.

Edited to say: I don't know what I was thinking. Well, I do know...I was thinking that if I ate pizza I was going to go over my points. Well, guess what? I thought wrong! I know, I know..imagine THAT, right?!?! I started thinking about it and realized that I only ate breakfast today...that was 7 points...then my 2 slices of pizza...10 points each. 27 points total! Hot diggity!

Guess who's not exercising in the morning?!? Me! I'm not! ROFL

1 comment:

Cindy said...

OMG you're so funny! You are the bomb though, having two pieces of pizza and still staying in your points! Woot!