Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Wednesday for C

1/2 c. cottage cheese 3 pts.
Total 3 pts.

1 bagel 5 pts.
2 tbs. cream cheese 3 pts.
Total 8 pts.

1 c. carrots 1pt.
3/4 oz. pretzels 2 pts.
Total: 3 pts.

Snack 2:
Drinkable yogurt 4pts.
Total: 4 pts.

Leftover spaghetti 9 pts.
Total: 9 pts.

Snack 3? LOL!
2 oz. avocado 2 pts.
3/4 oz. chips 3 pts.
Total: 5 Flex Points

Flex Points Used: 6 pts.
Daily Total: 32 pts.

I wasn't planning on having that drinkable yogurt, but we were all cleaning this afternoon, and suddenly I got all jittery, etc. I needed to get something with protein in me pretty quick, and that was the first "good" thing I could think of. S'ok!

And then! I got hungry again, and P was making favorite! So I quickly figured out the points for it all...and it was fine! So yippee...


Tricia said...

carrots are a POINT? I thought vegetables were FREE?!?!?

Cindy said...

That's what Patrick thought too...but I checked, and yep! They're a point! The upside is, you get a helluva lot of carrots for a point! LOL!

The Mom said...

you know..I have never had guacomole?!? I'm scared of it because it is green. LOL