Friday, August 31, 2007

It's Friday!

Food for today:

2 packets oatmeal 4 pts.
Total 4 pts.

6 chicken mcnuggets 7 pts.
Total 7 pts.

Chips 3 pts.
salsa 0 pts.
tortilla 4 pts.
cheese 3 pts.
oil 2 pts.
fresh fruit 3 pts.

Skinny Cow 2 pts.
Daily Total 28 pts.
Flex Points Used 2 pts.

I wasn't planning to eat lunch today, because Shan and I are going to a friend's house this afternoon, and she already told me that she is having snacks for us. But! I had a bunch to do this morning, and I got down-right starving(!) and had to have something! is what it is, lol.


Tricia said...

yum. I think I will have oatmeal tomorrow morning.

What did you use the oil for with your dinner?

Cindy said...

Oh, that's how my friend "fried" the quesadillas. Olive oil, instead of butter.