Monday, August 20, 2007

Day 1 check-in

Well...I have good news and I have bad news. The good news is, I drank all of my water today! Go, me!

The bad news is...I don't deal well with temptation apparently. We had a staff meeting today, and I had a salad for lunch (yay!). But, I had a piece of homemade poundcake, and a snickerdoodle cookie for dessert. And then, yes (!) there's more. I had an orange creamslush and some tater tots from Sonic tonight.

So...damn. Good thing tomorrow's another day.

My goals for tomorrow are to again drink 64+ ounces of water, and healthy snacks only!!! No junkfood!

1 comment:

Tricia said...

At least you drank all your water. I have THE hardest time resisting temptation..and usually don't! LOL Sounds like all your temptations were worth it. YUM! Today is a new day...good luck with the "no junk!"