Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Day one Done

I went to my moms last night and weighed on her scale and weighed 304. So, maybe I have lost weight since I was at the dr?? I should be able to weigh on my own scale sooner than I thought!

I'm so proud of myself for staying "on program" (I hate that saying) yesterday. I wasn't really hungry...no hungrier than normal anyway.

Kyle came home last night and the new shorts I bought him last week are now falling off! The whole reason I bought him new shorts was because his shorts were falling off..now a week later he has dropped another pants size?? I told him I hate him! ;-) I dug some old shorts of his out of the closet...hopefully that will buy us some time before I have to buy him more! I can't let him get thinner than me...I know that! We are SO close in height and I am pretty sure I am bigger boned than he is...so he needs to stay a little fat so we don't look stupid. ROFL

1 comment:

Cindy said...

LMAO at your motivations!

I'm SO proud of you, Tricia!!! You so totally rock!