Sunday, August 19, 2007

My stats too

Ok first, I have to find a new pic of me to put on the sidebar. That is scary..much cuter when Kyles face isn't cut out. ROFL

Ack--can't believe I am admitting to this...but I weigh 307 or there about. sadly, my scale only goes to 299 so I don't really know for sure. 1 month ago, I weighed 307 at the DR...and I had lost 5 pounds from being there 6 months before. So, I'll assume I didn't gain 10 pounds in a month and make 307 my official number.

My first goal is 299. I will be thrilled when I can weigh on my own scale. I considered going to buy a scale that would go higher than 300--but that is pretty silly when I am going to weigh less than that very soon, huh?

I am going to follow the WW plan. I'm not sure what I plan to do for exercise. I have a couple walk away the pounds videos, so I will probably mostly do those for now. we go...hang's gonna be a bumpy ride!! WHEEEEEEEE!!! (hopefully not TOO bumpy though! ;))

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