Sunday, August 26, 2007

The re-start!

The bad news is...I gained a pound this week. Dang it! But...I lost a point in my fat %. So, my new starting point is 211 pounds, and a fat % of 45% (Yikes...that's awful.) is my food intake for the day, to be updated as the day goes on. (I'm allowed 26 pts.)


Large apple 2pts.
1 tbsp PB 2 pts.
Total 4 pts.


3/4 oz. pretzels 2 pts.
Total 2 pts.


Can of chicken noodle soup 4 pts.
5 saltine crackers 1 pt.
Total 5 pts.

Subway 6" RB on wheat (no mayo, no cheese) 6 pts.
Baked BBQ Lays 3 pts.
Total 9 pts.

English Muffin 1 pt.
Margarine 2 pts.
Total 3 pts.

Total points: 23 pts.

Just to note...I'm always shocked when I start WW (rolling eyes, lol) at what a healthy portion of something is. Can I just say that 1 tbsp of PB is NOT very much??? No wonder I'm fat!!!


Tricia said...

did you weigh already? I thought Monday was the weigh day since that was the day we started???

Congrats on Day 1 of WW. You are so right about the TBS of peanut butter--it's not much at ALL. It's very depressing! LOL

Cindy said...

Well, I weighed this morning just to see what was what. I suppose it's possible that tomorrow I'll be back at 210 (sigh) no...I guess I'm not officially official yet.