Thursday, August 30, 2007

Cindy's Thursday Food

English muffin 1 pt.
margarine 2 pts.
Total: 3 pts.

Triscuits 2 pts.
Colby cheese 3 pts.
2 oz. deli chicken 1 pt.
Total: 6 pts.

Chocolate covered raisins 3 pts.
Total: 3 pts.

2 oz. sliced steak 3.5 pts.
flour tortilla 2 pts.
grilled peppers & onions 0 pts.
2 tbsp. sour cream 2 pts.
2 oz. avocado 3 pts.
Total: 10.5 pts.

Daily Total: 22.5 pts.
I didn't come total up my day until really late, because I wasn't sure I was done eating, lol! Actually I still feel kinda hungry...but I can't figure out what I want.

1 comment:

Tricia said...

I'm loving your dinner!! I'm having that tonight but with chicken and no avocado. I'm not...I'm having chili again.