Sunday, August 26, 2007

Week 1 Weigh in

I was at my mom's picking up the car. (since Kyle is working now and I have to pick up the kids from school..I am borrowing her car until we can get Kyle a truck for work) Since that was where I weighed last week..I wanted to weigh there again for an official weight loss. Waiting until tomorrow night would be REAL official..but I just wanted to get it over with so I can start going by my own scale.

SO...with no further ado.....drum roll please.......
7 pounds. SEVEN POUNDS!! YAY!!!

I am so, so proud of me and I feel really good!! Thanks for doing this with me,'s helping more than you will ever know!!

1 comment:

Cindy said...

OMG! SEVEN pounds! You SO totally rock, Tricia! That's a pound a day! You should be SO proud of yourself! I know I'm proud of you!