Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Some progress!

Tricia, you're not the only scale whore! I got on today, and it said 208.6. So that would be a 1.4 pound loss so far. I'm not counting this as an "official" weigh-in, but it's nice to see a little progress. The loss has got to be from all the water I'm drinking, lol...because up to this point my food choices still haven't been stellar.

Today was a so-so day for me. Good again with the water drinking, which I am proud of. Getting my water in has never been an easy thing for me, so at least I'm doing one thing right! My food choices are getting better, gradually...but one thing I'm noticing is that I'm cutting down on my snacking.

I can see I'm making progress, I just wish I was better at the whole willpower thing. Although, I guess it's good to make changes gradually, instead of drastically cutting out everything you're used to eating all at once. True? or am I just in denial?

1 comment:

Tricia said...

sounds like you are doing good to me. Gradual changes are good...because then it becomes a way of life--a habit--and you are less likely to gain back what you lose. Keep plugging away...I'm proud of you!!