Friday, August 31, 2007

feeling discouraged

I KNOW you aren't supposed to weigh every day, but as I said before..I am a scale whore. I can't help myself. I weigh every morning, afternoon and night. The only number I "count" though is the morning one. I haven't lost any weight this far. I haven't gone over my points at all and this is only my second week. I should still be losing pretty good at this point. So, I am annoyed and frustrated.

I can't decide if I should make sure I eat all my points every day (which I haven't been doing), or if I should eat less points than what I am getting now (although I "hear" that is not good to do) or if I should do something like the Wendie Plan. I am a firm believer in varying the amount of food you consume...I know from experience that the best thing to knock you off a plateau is to take a day "off" from dieting. So, it should work for weekly weight loss too..I would think. I am thinking about trying that and see what happens. On monday we are going to a cook-out and I plan to just eat whatever I want and not think about points that day. Good that it will be after my weigh in. Wonder if it will see a weight loss difference on the following Monday's weigh in??

ETA: I just went through my food journals and my points are definitely not I am kind of doing a version of the Wendie plan without making a concious decision to do so. LOL My points look like this: 30, 30.5, 24, 28, 26.5, 27, 30, 25, 27, 32.5, 29.

Also, last Thursday I weighed 299.5..this morning I weighed 298.5 so I have lost a pound which feels much better than nothing...and I have 3 more days before I officially weigh in. So, maybe I am not as discouraged as I though. I just wish the scale moved a lot faster, you know?

1 comment:

Cindy said...

I think you're doing fine....

I think your body is probably a little shocked by how healthy you're eating, and after such a big loss last week, it's just slowing down the loss this week to make sure you're not starving.

I think once your system regulates and realizes you ARE going to keep feeding it regularly that the weight will come off nice and steady.

You DO need to eat your points everyday. You can always eat fruits/non-free veggies to reach your target amount if you're having trouble. You don't have to eat your Flex points.

I haven't yet...but usually do have a once a week cheat meal, where I eat whatever I feel like. I used to do a cheat day, but found it too hard to get back into the groove after a whole day of freedom, lol.