Thursday, November 8, 2007


Man...I have had the munchies ALLLLLLL day!

I had a bowl of cereal for breakfast.

Logan was home with an asthma flare so I went to Wendys to get us lunch..I had a spicy chicken and baked potato.

Then a couple hours later I had a bowl of cereal.

Then I had a couple hand fulls of lucky charms.

Then I had some sweet tarts.

Then Dylan got bit by a dog (read my other blog) and I had some p-nut m&m's and a few sips of K's coke while we were at urgent care. (I figured because the m&m's had nuts in made them more nutritious. LOL)

Then, since we had no dinner, I had a whopper and fries at almost midnight!!!!

Yeah, it was a really good food choice day for me!

I suckety suck suck suck.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

OMG, I'm off to read your other blog. If it's your cranky neighbor's dog, I'm gonna be really pissed.