Saturday, November 3, 2007

You say it's your birthday?

Myspace Happy Birthday Graphics

I hope you have a super fun day! Love you, girl!


Tricia said...

Thanks! It was an "eh, ok" kinda day. Mom took me to breakfast because, Kyle who NEVER has to work Saturdays..had to work. HAD to. He worked until almost 6 and then he was tired..and I had a stupid sore throat and laryngitis. so we ordered food in from wing zone and watched a movie. So, that was nice. My mom was supposed to make my cake--its my FAVORITE cake and she only makes it for my birthday..and it's a PITA to make. I told her to not bother this year...maybe she could make it around Christmas or something. I regret saying that though..I feel gypped that I didn't have a cake. WAH! LOL

Cindy said...

I'm sorry it was an "eh" day...what were you thinking turning down cake??? LOL!