Friday, November 9, 2007

Today should be good.

I got on the scale this morning----280!!!! which means by some miracle of God, I lost the 2 pounds I gained plus an additional 1!!

I don't see any reason I should stray from my diet today...aside from the 8 pies I have sitting in my freezer. (Logan had a fundraiser--they are supposed to go with me to TN for turkey day..we'll see if they all actually make it!)

Lindsay arrives today. Both boys are home so we are going to go to the airport to see her. If we don't go out to lunch I should have a good day today...if we DO go out to'll be iffy. because I have no willpower and suck! I'm going to TRY really hard though!

Tomorrow night we are having a bon-fire at Tammy's...can't wait to eat a S'more! (Can you believe my mom has NEVER had a S'more?!?!?)

1 comment:

Cindy said...

280??? OMG! Tricia!!! You so totally rock!!!

(And never had a s'more? The hell???) LMAO!