Thursday, November 8, 2007


Not a good food day.

Breakfast was good, but then I had pizza for lunch, and again for dinner. And in between? Candy.

The good thing I did was start drinking my water again today.

I agree that things are going to be a bit tough from here out this year. BUT, I don't want to resign myself to gaining or staying the same the whole time. Next week there is no reason I can't eat well, but then I have my surgery on Friday. I know I won't be exercising the week of Thanksgiving, and then I know I'll eat for the holiday. But really, after Thanksgiving...I should be fairly ok for most of December. Yes, there will be parties, and birthdays, and Christmas, and New Year's...lmao...but I'm gonna keep at it!

(by the way, I'm up again this week. Dammit)

1 comment:

Tricia said...

I hear that surgery speeds up your metabolism. The ONLY time in my life I was referred to as skinny was a few weeks after my gallbladder surgery. LOL Hopefully, that will happen to you!!!!