Monday, January 21, 2008

Love the idea of the 6WD!!!

Thanks, Tricia for letting me know about the 6WD!!! I'm gonna do it, and I'm super excited!

I'm starting a new way of eating tomorrow. It's a very simple plan, but for whatever reason just makes total sense to me, and I think it will work very well. For me, it's a whole different way of thinking about food, altogether.

The "plan" has a's called the "Six Word Diet." Basically, the 6 Words are "Eat 100 Calories Every 90 Minutes."

I've always heard that eating frequent small meals is very healthy for your body and metabolism. I just never really computed how it would work to actually do it. For some reason, this seems really easy and do-able for me.

The plan works out to about 1,200 calories a day, which at first didn't seem like much to me. But then I figured what my WW days were giving me, and it's right about the same!

I've planned out my "meals" for tomorrow...and for the first time in a LONG time, I'm actually excited about doing something right (food-wise) for myself. This whole plan just intrigues me. I've always felt that I "had NO metabolism," and the whole point of this plan is to get your metabolism going, and keep it going all day. It's reported that your energy level just shoots up when you eat this way. To be honest, I can't imagine even HAVING an energy level. I'm feeling a lot better since my surgery, and my anemia is repairing...but I truly think this will help me in the energy dept.

I've tried to trudge along through WW, but found myself rebelling and eating all the wrong things. I just get mad, and sabotage myself.

Anyway, I'm intrigued and excited....

In case you want to see what I'll be eating....

I've only planned out my morning...because we REALLY need to go food shopping, which I'll do after work.

And also bear in mind that during these hours I'll have a minimum of 12 children with me, so the first half of my day will have to be things I can eat quickly, easily, and on the go. The second half of my day will be the more intensive things like sandwiches, meats, soups, etc.

6:30 am - Apple/Cinnamon oatmeal

8:00 am - Toast/Strawberry jam

9:30 am - 1-1/2 hard-boiled eggs

11:00 am - apple

12:30 pm - string cheese

2:00 pm - raw veggies/dip

Once I shop tomorrow afternoon, I'll have more options to choose from, but I really want to start tomorrow, so this is what I had to choose from at home, lol. Once we have food in the house, Patrick is going to do it too! Like me, he is also really intrigued by this. His eating plan will be 200 calories every 90 minutes, for a 2400 calorie day. (Your amounts can be adjusted once you see how your body/energy does on the program.)

What's interesting to me, is that this is already SO MUCH MORE food than I would have normally consumed by 2pm. I know I won't be hungry, and I'm interested to see how my energy level feels as my work day finishes.

With our lifestyle the way it is, this program will be fine for us. I can see how it might be hard for some people to make it work...eating that often, but Patrick stays home full-time, and I only work I think it will be fine!

1 comment:

Tricia said...

I'm so excited that you like it and I can't wait to hear how it goes. I am starting next week I guess since I already did my shopping for this week and have no more grocery money! LOL